Allie & Blake Jack had their family change recently with their newest addition of their first son Brayson Jack. Allie and Blake I know had a busy life before, but with the addition of Brayson life got a whole lot cuter, noisier, and I am sure a little bit messier when it comes to the diapers. I had the excellent opportunity to do the maternity photos for Allie and Blake just a few months before Brayson was born. While doing that session, I got to capture the love between them and see the excitement that they held for the future and getting to meet their son. So when I got the request to do family photos, I was excited to watch the love and joy that they had in expectation pouring out into there son now that he is here.

Brayson, while usually is his happiest in the morning, really wasn’t having me upset his morning routine, and it took his dad’s voice and his mom’s touch to bring out his natural smiles and giggles out. Blake and Brayson already can spend hours talking about the upcoming builds Blake has and Brayson loves being snuggled in close to Allie as she tells him about all the things he will do in the future.

The puppies already love Brayson and wish he would grow up fast to play with him. In the meantime, they have already figured out diapers smell, and I think they were trying to pass off some of their farts as Brayson’s stink, a favor I am sure that Bryson will learn to return in the future.

 When it came to putting Brayson down for a nap, I am not sure who was more disappointed with the prospect of napping the puppies or Brayson. Speaking of naps when it comes to Brayson, he has already started taking notes from Blake on how to be the king of the power nap. While it turned out with some super cute photos for us, I am sure that skill may come to drive Allie crazy in the future as he may never take a long nap for her, but that will be a problem for another day.

In the meantime, napping or not Brayson life will be filled full of love, kisses, snuggles and Allie's, and Blakes will be filled with joy.