It is always fun to get to see classmates from high school and catch up. Doing Spencer and Paige’s engagement session was no different than running into them to grab a coffee; it was fun and filled with laughter. I have known Spencer and Paige for quite some time, mainly due to my little brother. Spencer was in my little brother's class, and Paige was a few years behind me in school, but Paige was always the person pumping up the locker room and singing to every song on the radio before and after PE. So I was elated when they asked me to be their photographer for their upcoming wedding! You can bet that I am looking forward to capturing Paige getting ready on their wedding day and hopefully catching her singing along to the radio. 

Paige is just a few months older than Spencer, back in the day, that meant she used to spend a lot of time driving from Montezuma up to Brooklyn to see him. Now they live in Brooklyn but decided to drive back to Montezuma for a day of pictures at her parents' house. While driving down to Montezuma, we all got to see the sun come out for just a few minutes, and we all got super excited on a cold Sunday in February. Then right as we got started the sun decided to hide away, but that didn't damper Spencer or Paige's attitudes, even when the wind picked up and the temperature did nothing but drop they were nothing but love, smiles, and giggles.  

We started with keeping them warm in the shop, utilizing her sister Tailor's backdrop and teaching Spencer what Eskimo kisses were. I don't know who laughed more Paige when she saw the look on Spencer's face when I asked to give Paige and Eskimo kiss, or Spencer when Paige showed him!! Now, if you don't know what an Eskimo kiss is, make sure to ask Spencer between before their wedding day show Spencer and Paige can show you!

After getting them loosened up a little bit, we got to take it outside and use the truck Paige’s dad Jason is working on rebuilding. The truck that Paige is genuinely hoping that Jason has drivable by August as she wants to use it on their wedding day. (T She isn’t the only one hoping so. I also hope Jason has it running as it has been by far my favorite prop that I have gotten to use for a photos session yet, just in case Paige’s encouragement isn't enough.) 

As with any engagement sessions, there were multiple locations, a few props, a need for kleenexes, and coats that needed to find a home. Unlike many engagement sessions, Paige’s parents Jason and Dawn and her sister Jaicee were absolute rockstars in that department and pitching in to help out, before, during and after the session, you could see how much they love Spencer and Paige. From doing simple things to make things easier for Spencer and Paige to the endless love and playful teasing, which brought out some great smiles, they were awesome. It really makes me look forward to the wedding day when Beth and Troy Spencer's parents get to join in as I am sure they will almost double the amount of laughter and smiles that I get out of Spencer and Paige. 

The truth is I had a wonderful time with them, often feeling like I was with family, so much so that I kept calling Spencer Kurtis, which is silly and stupid, but it was like having a set of siblings for an afternoon. We ended up wrapping up the afternoon with a quick snowball fight between Paige and Spencer. I didn’t know when I started who was going to be more competitive, but let me tell you, it is Paige! Paige hands down. She was in it to win it, but the truth is they both won in the fact that they love each other fully and are going to have a fantastic year ahead of them and a beautiful marriage.